Fotografia Ricard Martínez

Creación de un guión de video sobre la memoria fotográfica familiar.
Encargo del Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge (CRDI) y Arxiu Municipal de Girona dentro del proyecto europeo 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope de PhotoConsortium.
Producción y edición: Helena Gorgoll, Adrià Jugo, Pau Puig CIFOG (Escola de Cicles Formatius Girona).
Abril 2020

«Family Photo Talks is a participatory workshop about collective memory, to share and disseminate the story of family photography. The workshop was organized by the Center for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) in Girona, in October 2019. It was part of the European Kaleidoscope project, which is focused on European photography of the 50s. The activity was driven by Susanna Muriel, a specialist in this subject. The workshop received a very good response from participants. They worked on the description and conservation of photography, and mainly on the narratives, that were created from an oral history exercise. For this specific workshop we created an audiovisual in order to explain the methodology used for this activity. The audiovisual aims to provide content that anyone could consider when organizing a memories workshop using photography as a resource. It is an audiovisual that can inspire and help other institutions when organizing a workshop. For the audiovisual, we use the images recorded during the event in Girona and we mainly use the images recorded in a private house from one of the participants.» CDRI Ajuntament de Girona

Fotografia CIFOG

Fotografia Cifog.